TAC RMP helps VZC save tax dollars

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TAC RMP helps VZC save tax dollars

Thu, 05/12/2022 - 20:17
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Van Zandt County is saving local taxpayer dollars and protecting county employees on the job with the help of personal protective safety equipment and law enforcement equipment provided at no cost by the Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP).

County road construction crews and law enforcement officers are routinely exposed to risks while on the job. The county received funds from TAC RMP to purchase safety equipment to help protect these employees as part of the 2022 TAC RMP Employee Safety Equipment Program. The program is just one of many risk control services and programs that the county has access to at no cost through its membership in TAC RMP.

Equipment available to the county ranges from personal protective equipment such as heat gear, hard hats and gloves, and hearing, eye and respiratory protection; courthouse security devices; fire protection; and tactical safety gear for law enforcement.

The county’s membership in TAC RMP provides it with competitively priced risk management coverage and risk control services that are county government specific. With more than 380 members statewide, TAC RMP helps Texas counties and other county governmental entities manage taxpayer dollars efficiently and promote worker safety.